A Special Search Engine Dedicated to Literacy: Google Literacy Project

Searching for the right information, especially when you need it the most and quickly, is quite often challenging! At such times, Aladdin's magical lamp and its super efficient genie would be soooo welcome. Wishes and wishes...
Well, Aladdin's lamp stays a fantasy. But Google has attempted to make the 'literacy' search a little easier and more focussed. It recently launched 'The Literacy Project' in collaboration with Litcam and the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning. The site is dedicated to collating and sharing resources related to the subject - books, videos, articles, organizations, experiences and groups. All in one place. Worth exploring it and lets keep an eye on the twists and turns in its development.
Hopefully, this might lead to some quality collaborations and gradually also to the creation of a single cyber window for literacy organizations(especially the newer and samller ones) to submit funding requests, connect with funders and streamline the process.


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